Table calculations

  table calculations are the calculations that are applied to the entire table in tableau while performing
 the table calculations we need to know two things.

              what type of calculations we are performing

   What type of calculation indicates the diff table calculations like diff from percent diff from ,
    percent of total extra.

              where we are performing the calculations

   Where we are performing the calculations is having two parts

                  1.addressing part

                  2.partitioning part

addressing options:

       the diff addressing options are available  in tableau are

                       Table across:

                                             If u performing the calculations across the table horizontally then
                                             such a kind of addressing is known as table across.

                        Table down
                                      If you are  performing the calculations down the table vertically
                                       then such a kind of addressing is known as table down.

                        Table across then down
                                 If you are performing the calculations across the table horizontally the
                                down the table vertically then such a kind of addressing is known as
                                 table across then down.
                        pane across 
                               If you are performing the calculations across the pane horizontally then such
                               a kind of addressing  is known as pane across.
                        pane down

                                If you are performing the calculations down the pane vertically then such a kind
                              of addressing is known pane down.

                       pane across then down
                                 I f you are performing the calculations across the pane horizontally then down
                                 the pane vertically then such a kind of addressing is known as pane across then                                     down

       partitioning part

                    Difference from  

                                     difference from is mainly used to display the growth in between two values:

                      Percent diff from 
                                 percent difference from is the second way to find out the growth in                                                         tableau. percent diff from is the best way to find out raising growth of any                                            business as it gives the growth in terms of the percentage.

                    Percent from
                              percent from is mainly used to find out the absolute change in the tableau the                                          percent from calculation is similar like the percent different from it displays the                                  percentage of all the values by comparing with the required value.

                    Percent of total

                                   the percent of total calculation .this calculation is very important if you want to                                     find out each individual value control  on the whole.

Dashboard in tableau

Dash boards are the collection of multiple work sheet in tableau after the completing the development
we will group everything in to dash boards before delivering the visualization to  the client.
              A dashboard is a collection of several worksheet and supporting information shown in single place so that the end user can compare and monitor variety of the data simultaneously .   to the dashboard we can add the variety  of the objects like images ,webpages ,text areas ,blank pages ,containers.
                        Dashboard containers

                            in tableau  2 types dashboard containers are available.

       1. horizontal containers

          with the horizontal containers we can add the objects to the dashboard in the horizontally way.

       2. vertically containers 

with the help of the vertical containers we can add the objects in the vertically space of the dashboard is very limit with the help of this containers we can efficiently manage the dashboard page.

Tiled: in the tiled way we can add all the objects to the dashboard with the fixed size and length.

floating:  in the floating we can add all the objects in the floating means floating one object over the is new from tableau 8.

 Master-Detail dash board

If selection of items in the Dashboard is displaying the detail information then such a kind of dashboard is  known master detail dashboard.To build the master detail dashboard we have to take the master information in one sheet and the detail information in the second sheet.

Master-master dash board

         Dashboard contains more than one master is known as multi master dashboards if you building the multi master dash board of the selection of one master will not effect the selection of second master .so for the multi master we have to ignore the actions

Indexed dashboard

               the dashboard which contains the sheet information in a single location is known as index dashboards.

In tableau we can perform any modification on the dashboard it will reflect on work sheet similar we can perform any modification on the worksheet it will reflect on the dashboards.


Bin in tableau

On the measures in the tableau it is not possible to create a set if our requirement is to on measure. the possible available option is bin.bin is a container which holds the required values placing all the required data values in one area or in one container is known as binning.

                                        to create a bin we need to specify the size of bin.based size of the bin tableau will create a container and it will place all the values in the range at the container.Bins are mainly used to find out the distribution of the values in the tableau.if you create any bin in tableau, create a new bin field under the dimension.tableau creates a bin based on the individual values of each and every measure but not on the aggregated values.

Pie Chart In tableau

     In tableau the great way to display the proportion data is with help of a pie chart for the best practice always limit the pie chart to 12 slices ,if the pie chart contains more than 12 slices then pie chart is very complex  and difficult to understand .minimum requirement to create a pie chart are one or more dimensions and one or two measures.



Area chart in tableau

        Area chart are the advanced to the line charts. area chart fills the portion of the charts based on the measure value. where as line charts simply displays a single line.

                             The area chart is available  in two types

 1.continue area chart.

Figure 1: Area Chart (continuous)
 2. Descrete area chart
Figure 3: Area Chart (discrete)


Scatter Plot in tableau

                            In tableau if you want to compare two or more measures the best available chart is scatter plot. Scatter plot Scatter plot are offensively  used to identify any relation ship between two or more measures by floating them in the coordinates system by taking four quarters Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 the minimum requirement are zero or more dimensions two to four is very useful in real time.the most widely accepted chart.Scatter plot.

                            In tableau if you want to compare two or more measures the best available chart is  scatter plot. Scatter plot Scatter plot are offensively  used to identify any relation ship between two or more measures by floating them in the coordinates system by taking four quarters  Q1 ,Q2,Q3,
Q4 the minimum requirement are zero or more dimensions  two to four is very useful in real time.the most widely accepted chart.



Actions in tableau

   In tableau actions are mainly used to add the interactive and context to the sheets.with the help of the actions in tableau we can enable the communication between multiple sheets in the tableau ,worksheets ,webpage and also we can add the context and highlighting between two sheets.
Actions in the tableau can be implemented at the work  sheet level and at the dashboard level.
 the actions in the tableau are divided in to 3 types

               1. Filter actions

               2. URL actions

               3.Highlight action

1. Filter Actions:

                   Filter actions enable the communication between multiple sheets in the tableau .sheets can be either worksheet or dashboard .filter actions it enable the interactivity between multiple sheets by allowing communication between multiple sheets.

2. URL Actions

        URL Actions enable the communication between worksheet and webpage.worksheet ,external            files and even in between worksheet and the ftp.with the help of the URL action in tableau we             can   display the complete information of any object to a webpage.

3.Highlight Action

                Highlight action acts context between  multiple sheets with the help of the Highlight action
                 in the tableau we can Highlight the require part and we can dim all other parts of the sheet.

   Running actions:

             in tableau we can run the actions in 3 ways

                           1. hover




        If you want to run the actions using hover tableau will automatically displays the target values
         by placing the pointer on the source value.this option works well for highlight and filter actions.


      If you want to run the actions using select we need to select the required source value to displays        the relative target value .this option works well for all the 3 types of actions.


         IF you want to run the actions using menu we have to select the require source value tableau
       automatically display a  hyper  link we need to click on the hyper link to see the required target          this option works well for filter and url actions.